10 Shoulder Rehab Exercises With Bands: Rotator Cuff Resistance Band Exercises

The importance of a strong and healthy shoulder cannot be overstated. This complex joint is responsible for a wide range of body movements, making it crucial for athletic performance and even basic daily activities.
If you want to exercise your shoulders or undergo injury rehabilitation without spending a lot or taking lengthy trips to the gym, resistance band shoulder exercises might be the answer. In addition to being inexpensive, these bands are portable, convenient, and can be used anywhere.
However, simply getting the bands isn’t enough. You need a proper routine and guidance to maximize your results and prevent injuries. This is where our 10 effective shoulder rehab exercises come in. With these exercises, you can help improve your shoulder mobility and work on muscles in your rotator cuff for better stability.
Band Lateral Raise
This is one of the top shoulder band exercises that will help build your core muscles and upper back, as well as strengthen your shoulders.
You start by standing shoulder-width apart in the middle of the band and holding each end with your hands. The band will be crossed in front of your legs as you raise your arms to the sides while keeping them slightly bent at the elbows. When your arms reach above the shoulder position, pause a bit before slowly returning to the start. Repeat this 10-15 times.
Band Front Raise
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart on the midpoint of the band. Proceed to hold both ends with your hands on your thighs. Now, raise your arms straight up in front of you and make sure they don’t go above shoulder height. Also, keep them slightly bent at the elbows and avoid swinging when going up or returning to the starting position. Repeat this 10-15 times.
This is the simplest of all band exercises for shoulders. You start by standing up straight with your feet together. Grab both ends of the band with your hands and extend your arms in front of you. Proceed to pull the band apart as much as you can, making sure your shoulder blades squeeze together. Remain like that for a few seconds before slowly putting your hands together. Repeat this 15-20 times.
Band Overhead Pull-Apart
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and hold both ends of the band. Now, raise your arms above your head. Slowly bring down your elbows to shoulder level while pulling the band apart. Try to press your shoulder blades together and maintain that position for a few seconds before slowly moving your hands back up. Repeat this 15-20 times.
Band Standing Row
Tie the band to something secure, like a doorknob, and grab each handle with your hands. Now, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended in front of you.
Make sure your back is straight and your core is engaged before pulling the band towards your chest by bending your elbows. As you bend your elbows, ensure your arms go to the side of your ribs before slowly returning them to the starting position. Repeat this 10-15 times.
Band Shoulder Extension
Attach the band to something secure in front of you; the anchor should be at waist height. Your starting position should have your hips and knees slightly bent with your abdominals tight. Ensure your elbow is as straight as possible before pulling the band backward. Hold the position for a bit before slowly returning. Try not to bend or rotate the trunk. Repeat this 10–15 times.
Band Shoulder Flexion
Start with one end of the band stabilized under your foot and the other in your hand. You’ll do this one hand at a time. Now, raise the arm above your head and keep your elbow straight. Remain in that position briefly before slowly returning that arm to your side. Repeat this 15–20 times for each arm.
Band External Rotation
Attach the band to an anchor at waist height and stand beside it. Proceed to grab the end of the band with the hand that’s furthest from the anchor. Ensure that your elbow is at 90 degrees and that your upper arm is pressed against your body.
You should also feel tension from the bands; you can move away from the anchor a bit if you don’t. Now, start rotating your forearm against the band while maintaining your upper arm position. Repeat this 8–10 times.
Band Internal Rotation
This is one of the best band rotator cuff exercises to train your anterior rotator cuff muscles. Attach the band to an anchor at elbow height and grab the other end with the hand closest to the anchor. Step away from the anchor until you feel tension in the band.
Your upper arm should be pressed to your side while you bend your elbow to 90 degrees. Now, rotate your arm internally (i.e., bring it close to your abdomen and take it back) while maintaining your upper arm position. Repeat this 8–10 times.
Band Rear Arm Extension
This is one of those shoulder exercises with resistance bands that you can do easily anywhere and anytime.
Stand with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your arms behind your back with both ends of the band in your hands. Ensure your elbow is straight as you pull the band apart and slowly return it to the starting position. Repeat 10–15 times.
Check Out Inevifit Resistance Bands
An effective shoulder rehabilitation program requires more than just a proper exercise routine; you also need the right resistance bands. INEVIFIT Resistance Bands are designed to provide the perfect resistance level for your rehab band shoulder exercises. They are:
- Made with high-quality rubber latex that can withstand repeated use over long periods;
- Versatile and can be used for a variety of exercises, both basic and advanced;
- Comfortable on the skin without causing any problems, even during intense workouts.
The INEVIFIT Resistance Band package includes a carrying bag with 5 resistance bands, 2 handles, 2 ankle straps, 1 door anchor, and 1 door hanger. The bands come in different resistance levels, from 5 lbs to 25 lbs, and combine for up to 75 lbs of tension.
The benefits of rotator cuff exercises with bands range from increased strength and stability to improved range of motion, pain relief, and comfort. This is also a great way to rehabilitate your shoulder after an injury. You can follow our exercise routines and grab your own INEVIFIT resistance band package to take your workout experience to the next level.
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