The Connection CrossFit and Its Significance in Weight Loss

CrossFit — such a catchy name, right? This exercise trend has been a source of controversy in the fitness industry. The most surprising part — it doesn’t seem to be falling out of favor with its followers.
Those who practice this regimen praise it for its many exercises designed to burn calories, boost metabolism, and build muscle. But how accurate are all these claims? Are CrossFit workouts really that effective, or are they just another fad we won’t remember in a few years?
The following post will address all these issues and more. We’ll examine the essence of CrossFit, its effectiveness, and the potential risks. Make yourself comfortable, and let’s delve into this burning topic.
What Is CrossFit?
Before we get into the specifics, let's take a moment to look at the term. CrossFit is a kind of high-intensity interval training. It’s both a strength and conditioning workout, and it is made up of functional movements such as pulling, pushing, and squatting. The workouts feature variations of said movements, and they last for a set amount of time.
When you exercise, you can make use of various pieces of equipment, such as medicine balls, speed ropes, kettlebells, plyometric boxes, and more.
Numerous experts vouch for the efficacy of CrossFit. Namely, these individuals have been stating that it works miracles because it focuses on the elements of load, distance, and speed.
CrossFit: Exercise vs. Nutrition
CrossFit seeks to prepare its trainees for any type of physical challenge. Consequently, the limelight is not just on the workouts but on one’s diet, as well. When it comes to training sessions, participants complete something called the WOD, that is, the workout of the day. Technically, you can do it on your own or along with other trainees and your trainer at the gym (also called the box in CrossFit lingo).
Nutrition-wise, many fitness professionals advocate the 40-30-30 meal plan (carbohydrates, protein, and fat, respectively). Some even encourage using the Paleo diet. This eating regimen puts food human beings may have eaten in prehistoric times at the center stage, hence the name. Today, this diet includes nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.
Can It Aid With Losing Weight?
When people commence their fitness journey, they typically do so with a very specific objective in mind. Some want to tone their muscles, others are seeking a routine, while most are looking to shed a few pounds in one way or another. But is weight loss CrossFit really a thing? The short answer — yes.
The intensity of these workouts helps you boost metabolism and burn calories, thus leading to potential weight loss. In fact, there have been statistics showing that an average CrossFitter burns up to 2,700 calories per week, which is pretty impressive.
Now, once you step on the scale, you might not see immediate results, and that’s perfectly normal. A regular scale cannot note all the changes happening in your body. However, a smart body scale such as Eros records 13 key metrics, including body fat, subcutaneous fat, BMI, BMR, and more. Keeping track of progress will be easier this way.
Benefits vs. Risks
Now that we know that CrossFit for weight loss is a thing, let’s explore it in more detail. As with every workout regime, this one is not without its shortcomings. We’ll take a look at the good and bad sides in the following sections.
For good reason, CrossFit still stands at the top of the fitness industry to this day, so here are some of its main benefits:
- Build muscle and burn fat: Have you ever wondered about the science behind CrossFit workouts? The reason they work so well is that they entail high-intensity exercises in rapid succession. You cannot switch to something else until you’ve hit your target, so these can get pretty intense. HIIT workouts like these are known to increase your metabolic rate and help you burn fat as a result. Moreover, since some of the exercises rely on different pieces of equipment, you’ll get jacked in no time.
- Experience constant progress: Certain exercises can get quite frustrating really quickly because you’ll stop making progress at a certain point, or at least, it won’t be as evident. This happens because you stick to one and the same routine the whole time. However, CrossFit is a rare exception. These exercises bring a lot of variety into your fitness life, so they’ll keep you on your toes the whole time.
- Have a support system in place: The community is strong with this one. Therefore, when you join a class, you’ll meet like-minded individuals. These people will be willing to guide you through the process. That is not to say you won’t have any doubts or lack of motivation, but things are always easier if you have someone to rely on.
Things are looking good for CrossFit, but there are some downsides you need to bear in mind. Namely, the main challenge most trainees will come up against is the high risk of injuries. Since we’re talking about high-intensity exercises performed rapidly, chances are someone might get hurt. Consequently, this is a big reason some people decide to drop out.
Moreover, since you’ll be adhering to an exercise plan, you’ll need to be consistent with your workouts. Sadly, this is not always a possibility, considering the hectic schedules most of us have.
Bottom Line
There you have it, folks — the good and the bad of CrossFit. It is an undeniable fact that this workout regime can assist with your weight loss goals. However, you need to persevere because these exercises can be a tough nut to crack. If you do come out on top, you’ll be hitting those fitness goals in no time.