Why Every Family Needs a Smart Scale During this Time of Pandemic

Now is the MOST DIFFICULT TIME to get sick.
When we feel especially unwell, the first thing we think of is going to the nearest health center to get checked. However, during this time of the pandemic, the mere thought of going out of our homes is considered unsafe.
There is no opportune time to get sick. But now maybe the worst time to fall ill. That is why we have to do everything we can to stay healthy and keep ourselves safe and protected. One tool that might help is a smart scale. Now you might be asking, “Why do I need a smart scale?”
Every family needs a smart scale during this time of pandemic to monitor key body metrics such as weight, body mass index, and body fat percentage which help to maintain overall health and lower risk for severe illness.
Everyone in your family may be healthy. That’s great! However, in some homes, certain individuals are at a higher risk.
Who are at higher risk for severe illness?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists the following individuals as those who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID 19:
1. People 65 years and older
2. Individuals with underlying medical conditions such as: chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, being immunocompromised, severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher), Diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, and liver disease
What can you do if you’re at risk?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists these 5 simple things that we can do if we or any of our family members are at risk:
1. Stay home if possible.
2. Wash hands often and thoroughly.
3. Avoid close contact with other people.
4. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
5. Avoid all cruise travel and non-essential air travel.
These may be a no-brainer to many, but when you’re cooped up in your home for days, going out for some fresh air might be very tempting. By staying at home to minimize possible exposure to the virus, we limit the possibility of contracting the disease.
If you or any member of your family is at risk, then the best move would be to identify what are the things that are within your control and work on them.
Sometimes, focusing too much on the things that are beyond our control can increase mental stress and affect us more negatively.
You can change your family’s medical history and predisposition to certain illnesses, but you can take active measures to prevent them by making that shift from a sedentary to a healthier lifestyle.
How can you minimize the risk?
Even if no one in your family is at risk right now, it is still necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that you can continue to maintain a healthy weight, blood pressure, and sugar levels and keep it that way. Here are some simple things that we can do regularly to maintain a healthy heart, liver, and kidney, as well as healthy blood sugar levels:
1. Be conscious about your food intake, both in quality and quantity.
2. Hydrate and choose water instead of sugary drinks.
3. Move around and stay active even if you’re at home.
4. Choose naturally prepared food instead of processed foods and unhealthy snacks.
How can a smart scale help?
Webmd.com, an online health resource, shares how a smart scale can help with Diabetes:
“If you’re overweight, losing some pounds helps lower your chances that diabetes will get much worse. Think about trading your old bathroom scale for one that records data. Then, you can see trends in your weight over time. Wireless scales can automatically upload your weight to a secure website.”
Also, a smart scale can track more than just your weight. As you regularly monitor your body’s key metrics, you get to lose weight consistently which in turn causes a positive domino effect:
According to the national guidelines and recent research, losing weight can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure — and potentially eliminate high blood pressure. You can drop systolic pressure 5-20 points for every 20 pounds you lose. People who are considered prehypertensive can benefit significantly by dropping 20 pounds.
Why choose INEVIFIT smart scale?
There are different factors to consider when choosing your smart scale:
1. Smart Scale Cost. There’s a notion that smarts scales are expensive. While high-end smart scales cost more than $100, there are still affordable choices that offer great value.
2. Smart Scale Design. Verywellfit.com, an online resource on health and fitness, share why you should consider the design of your smart scale: “If your scale is ugly, you’re not likely to put it in a place where you see it every day…and if you don’t see your scale, you’re not likely to use it.”
3. Smart Scale Accuracy. You would want a reliable smart scale, one that provides correct and accurate readings every time.
4. Smart Scale Features. Key features that most people look for in a smart scale include the weight capacity, platform size, digital readout, and connectivity to fitness apps.
INEVIFIT Eros Bluetooth Smart Body Fat Scale monitors more than just your weight. It tracks your body fat percentage, muscle mass, and other key fitness metrics that assess your current physical state. It also syncs with popular fitness apps such as Google Fit, Apple Health, and Fitbit. That way, you can monitor closely the key metrics related to specific medical conditions. It’s affordable, accurate, loaded with features and has an elegant design.
Truly, our health and wellbeing are so valuable. This current situation has made the whole world aware of just how important it is. A smart body scale is one of the many tools that can help us become healthier. If you think about it, it’s even more important than the things other people used to consider as “essentials”: designer bags and clothes, lifestyle gadgets and other luxuries. However, a smart body scale doesn’t have to be expensive to be effective.