Your Checklist for Runs in Cold Winter Weather

Running in the cold has got to be the reason why cardio gets such a bad rap because we get the chills just from thinking about it. Picture it — it’s freezing outside, and you have to leave your cozy, warm home just to hit your target for the day. But what if we told you there is a way you can ease the bone-chilling cold and make your winter runs more enjoyable?
Sub-optimal temperatures will require some adjustments on your behalf, but we’re here to share all the tips and tricks to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Tips and Tricks for the Best Winter Running Session
Running in warm weather under the sun when the birds are chirping is one of the most gratifying fitness pursuits. However, with a simple change of scenery and a drop in temperature, things can turn bleak pretty quickly. We’re here to save that gloomy winter day and make it just as enjoyable and rewarding as the former, so here’s our list of our best cold weather running tips.
Check the Forecast
Make sure to watch the latest forecast before you set out in the cold. Ideally, you’d want to do your winter running on a sunny day when the temperature is in the 40-degree radius. Avoid going out when it’s too windy or the thermometer shows digits below 30. Wind, in particular, can pose a danger due to its ability to cause the so-called evaporative cooling when you’re sweating, possibly leading to hypothermia.
Running in the snow is feasible. But, if you see a warning for an approaching blizzard, you’re better off staying inside. If there’s snow or ice on the trail, mind your footing and shorten your strides to diminish your risk of slipping and/or falling.
Plan the Route
Speaking of trails and running in the cold, notify your loved ones or running buddies about your planned route. If you have a smartwatch, install a map or a GPS tracker that can help you in case you get lost. Moreover, it’s best to stick to the trails you know very well, as it’s quite easy to wander off with the days getting shorter. If you feel your muscles cramping or starting to contract, call it a day and just go back home.
Do Your Warm-ups Indoors
Warm-ups are the key to a successful workout session — even more so when you’re about to run in the cold. So, before you head out the door, take a moment and get that blood pumping. That said, finding the right balance is crucial to ensuring that you don’t perspire because winter and sweat are not a good combo. Do some yoga and a few jumping jacks, and sip on some warm beverages before you head out.
Look for a Motivator
Everyone needs a little pick-me-up, especially when you need to run in the cold. In those moments, your bed seems more inviting than usual, and it’s practically calling your name. You’ll need to find that hidden drive so you can lace up your running shoes and set out in the cold. Thinking of the possible rewards can be beneficial in this particular instance.
For instance, if you're running a race, have your family cheer on and wait for you at the finish line with a new set of warm clothes. Or, simply think of how you won’t have to look for that running mojo come spring since you’ve been training during the winter months. If you still feel like you need that additional push, find a running buddy if you already don’t have one. They’ll hold you accountable for every missed session and help you get back on track.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Yes, you heard us — you will have to remain hydrated even while trying to figure out how to run in the cold. We know drinking water at ice-cold temperatures sounds exceptionally unappealing, and it certainly is. But you’ll still be sweating, so you must replenish your H2O reserves. Your body loses more moisture when it’s cold, so you should have a water bottle on you at all times.
Gear You'll Need — Layering 101
Obviously, you won’t be able to wear the same clothes as you do in summer or spring. Running experts recommend wearing synthetic fabrics and layering clothes. The clothing item closest to you should fit snugly and be synthetic. Then, a piece of clothing you’ll wear as your last layer needs to be water- and wind-resistant.
Moreover, there’s a reason we’ve insisted on layers so much. This way, you’ll be able to add or remove clothes so you can warm up or cool down if there are any significant temperature changes.
Another important thing is to protect your extremities by wearing a hat and gloves. If the weather is particularly cold, you can don a scarf, too. It's imperative to avoid hypothermia and frostbite at all costs, and one way to do it is to dress adequately.
Of course, you should know how to spot the signs of these at all times so you can ask for assistance or cut your running short. Namely, hypothermia can be described as a state when our body’s temperature goes below 95 degrees. Meanwhile, frostbites occur when circulation is restricted in the extremities. Listen to your body, and make the adjustments if you notice any of the symptoms.
Bottom Line
As you can see, running in the cold is quite feasible. As long as you possess adequate equipment, be mindful of the weather, and pay attention to the signals your body is sending you, you’ll be fine. Then, you can focus on your true motivations for running. You can check your progress on INEVIFIT’s Eros, which is a smart scale that allows you to track up to 13 key metrics. Your next winter running session will be a breeze, we promise!