10 Tips to Stop Overeating

10 Tips to Stop Overeating

Binge eating can be more than just an occasional habit of craving and overindulging in large amounts of food. In fact, according to certain sources, BED (Binge Eating Disorder) is among the most common eating disorders in the US. Individuals suffering from it often seek help from professionals who can support them during their episodes and in the long term.

That said, in most cases, overeating causes simply result from your eyes growing bigger than your stomach during the holidays or some other special occasions. If you believe this applies to you, the following article has all the tips and tricks you need to prevent binge eating. 

Have a Balanced Nutritional Plan

Having a regular eating schedule can be more beneficial than you think. If you have a tendency to skip meals, then you are also familiar with the cravings that crop up right after. A study has shown that large meals can increase your blood sugar levels much more than a diet of three balanced meals.

Have a Balanced Nutritional Plan

INEVIFIT’s Food Scales

Furthermore, this may also lead to the increased production of ghrelin, the “hunger hormone,” which signals to your brain that it’s time to eat. You can always use INEVIFIT’s Food Scales to measure your portions for a perfectly balanced meal, thus controlling your appetite.  

Don’t Skip Breakfast

There’s a reason why breakfast is dubbed the most important meal of the day. Starting your day with loads of nutrients will help you feel energized and reduce the risk of binge eating. Try to combine different food groups that are rich in fiber and protein. Include vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, eggs, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and more to keep the cravings at bay.

Don't Skip Breakfast

Avoid Fad Diets

Fad diets may sound miraculous, but they are just another road to binge eating. Instead of putting all your energy into excluding entire food groups from your meal plans, focus on making healthy changes. Having a burger from time to time is not the end of the world, and it’s certainly much better than overeating. Too much of something healthy can also cause distress to your digestive tract, so it’s all about finding the right balance. 

Create a Meal Plan

While we’re on the topic of food, let us say that meal prepping can be a massive help if you want to stop overeating. Make sure to include more fiber, as it moves slowly through your digestive tract and keeps you full for longer.

Create a Meal Plan

INEVIFIT’s Meal Prep Containers

That said, we know how difficult it can be to have meals that are rich in vegetables and whole grains on hand. It’s way too easy to fall back into the habit of ordering takeout. However, if you prepare your meals for the week and pack them in INEVIFIT’s Meal Prep Containers, you can just pop them in the fridge, and you’ll be good to go. 

Introduce an Exercise Routine

Adding exercise to your routine can be beneficial if you are looking to stop binge eating. This doesn’t mean you need to turn into a gym rat right off the bat. Pick an activity that makes you and your body feel good. It can be anything — running, cycling, or playing your favorite sports. Physical exercise will allow you to relieve stress and pent-up energy and, in turn, help with your urges to overeat.

INEVIFIT EROS Smart Body Fat Scale

INEVIFIT Eros Smart Body Fat Scale

What’s more, you’ll also be able to notice changes in your body which you can track with the INEVIFIT Body Fat Scale. This scale tracks nine key body metrics, including body fat percentage, BMI, and BMR, so you’ll know your stats at all times.  

Practice Mindful Living

Practicing mindfulness is a great way to be more in tune with the world around you and your body. It can also help you stop overeating because you’ll learn to recognize when you actually need food. When you do eat, make sure to take smaller bites and focus on truly savoring the food and all its delightful flavors. It might be hard to get started at first, so you can always try yoga, as it is a great activity to promote relaxation and mindfulness. 

Organize Your Kitchen

A messy kitchen often leads to sloppy eating habits. How can you be mindful of your diet when that packet of chips on the top shelf is staring right at you? Identify your trigger foods and lock them away so that you never find them again!

Organize Your Kitchen

Joking aside, make sure to keep healthier snacks on hand and get rid of those you tend to binge on, such as chips and convenience foods. 

Make Sure You Sleep Enough

Sleep is essential if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle. What’s more, a lack of sleep also affects hunger levels and appetite. Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep so that you can feel rested. That way, you will be ready to give overcoming binge eating episodes a try. Moreover, some studies even suggest that sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in body weight. 

Talk to Your Peers

“A burden shared is a burden halved.” Having someone to talk to about your issues can help you feel heard. The next time you have the urge to overeat, contact your friend instead and let them know what you are going through. If nothing else, it will make you feel better and reduce the feelings of stress or overwhelmingness. 

Seek Help From Others

If none of these tips work, don’t be afraid to turn to a professional. There are plenty of dietitians who can help you develop a plan for recovery. Treatments can vary from person to person, and they can include medication or behavioral therapy. There’s nothing shameful about asking for help; the sooner you do, the faster you can start working on getting better.

Seek Help Form Others

Final Takeaway

Overeating is an issue millions of people around the world face daily. There are numerous different strategies you can employ that could help you overcome this problem, from meal prepping and purchasing INEVIFIT’s scales to visiting a dietician or a therapist. With the right approach, you are bound to get through it and come out on top.