Strategies for Reducing Body Fat Including Diet and Exercise

Strategies for Reducing Body Fat Including Diet and Exercise

There’s an abundance of information surrounding body fat and tips on how to minimize it. Therefore, it can be hard to pinpoint which method will yield results. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. People are different, so they require different strategies to reduce body fat.

A healthy amount of body fat is necessary; otherwise, our bodies cannot function properly. Measurements that exceed the optimal range are known to increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. In the following sections, we’ll take a look at how diet and exercise can impact our BFP (body fat percentage). 

Diet Strategies

We often confuse weight loss with fat loss, but the two aren’t the same. The number you see on a regular scale represents your combined skeletal mass, lean muscle, body fat, etc. So you could decrease your BFP without shedding a pound. An excellent way to determine your body fat percentage is using the Eros Scale from INEVIFIT.

INEVIFIT Eros Smar Scale

Effective BFP loss takes time, and your first stop should be at the diet station. Now, we don’t mean going on a yo-yo diet to lose body fat, where you’ll get those kilograms back quicker than they went away. We’re talking about making choices that will improve your health and positively impact your weight. 

Diet Strategies

Here are some methods you can consider:

  • Cut back on processed products — Refined sugar and heavily processed foods are your biggest enemies if you want to reduce body fat. White bread, baked goods, and candy are all packed with added sugars, which is what makes them so addictive. Not only do they make you gain weight, but they are very low on nutrients, so avoid them as much as possible. 
  • Consume good fats — We’re sure you’ve heard this before, but let us say it again: not all fats are bad. Polyunsaturated fats actually help you lose weight because they slow digestion and keep you full for a longer time. You can find polyunsaturated fats in eggs, olive oil, nuts, and dark chocolate. 
  • Mind your drinking habits — When trying to change our eating habits, we tend to hyper-fixate on foods, which makes us overlook the drinks we consume. Ditch alcohol and sugar-filled sodas and focus on drinking more water. When was the last time you had a glass of water? Go drink one now and thank us later. Not only will you feel more refreshed, but it will help you burn fat. 
  • Increase your protein intake — Just like good fats, protein-rich foods will prolong the feeling of fullness. Moreover, studies have shown that protein impacts the “hunger hormone,” keeping your cravings at bay. Foods rich in protein include meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. If you’re unsure how much of these you need, you can consult a dietician and use a food scale for accurate measurements. 
  • Add fiber to your diet — Fiber positively impacts our health because it helps regulate the body’s usage of sugar and keeps our hunger under control. Foods like oatmeal, beans, and broccoli may take longer to digest but are not hard on your stomach and can help you lose weight in the long run. 
  • Incorporate fermented food — You might shudder when you think of pickles or sauerkraut, but fermented foods are rich in probiotics and incredibly good for gut health. They will increase the growth of good bacteria in your digestive tract and keep them fed so they can do their magic. 

Exercise Strategies

Of course, having a balanced diet is often insufficient if you want to lose weight, have a toned body, and reduce your BFP. You need to combine it with suitable exercises to lose body fat. When it comes to fat loss, you’ll need to give those weights a go, as dreadful as they may seem. 

Sign up for a gym membership and find a trainer who will develop a workout routine that fits your needs. They’ll probably recommend strength training to build muscle and increase strength. Some studies indicate that a 4-week resistance training program can reduce your BFP by up to 1.46%.

Exercise Strategies

 Other activities you can do include cardio, that is, aerobic exercise. These workouts target your heart and lungs and help you to burn fat. If you don’t like going to the gym, you can always take up cycling, swimming, or running, as they all count as cardio exercises. 

Combining Diet and Exercise

Experts suggest that the most effective way to lose weight and have optimal BFP values is by combining your new diet practices with a regular exercise routine. Make sure you stick to the dietary changes you’ve made. Sure, a slice of pizza every once in a while isn’t the end of the world, but make sure you don’t revert to your bad habits. 

Combining Diet and Exercise

Aside from that, try to incorporate some activity every day. You might not have time for a full 40-minute workout, but even 15 minutes are better than nothing. As long as you combine the two effectively, you’ll be able to measure body fat and marvel at the accomplishments you’ve made. 

Final Takeaway

The process of losing body fat will take a lot of effort. However, you will have an easier time if you have a plan in place. Make sure you devise a diet rich in protein and fiber and combine it with regular exercise. Be consistent and watch your body transform over time. Monitor your progress with INEVIFIT’s smart scales and enjoy the results of your hard work.